
Replaces some commands and environments within a TeX document by evaluating code inside a jupyter kernel, and more…

  1. Insert code in any language with a jupyter kernel.

  2. Eval some code silently inside the kernel.

  3. Insert the output into the LaTeX document.

  4. TexSurgery saves the images generated by the jupyter kernels in the images directory and embeds the corresponding LaTeX code to embed them.

  5. TexSurgery also allows for other kinds of manipulation of a LaTeX source file, like find/replace/shuffle using CSS-style selectors.

  6. TexSurgery works also as a shell command, that can be piped to other commands.

Similar to sagetex or pythontex, but we decided ot create texsurgery to climb on the shoulders of the jupyter project and to bring to LaTeX some powerful commands inspired by CSS.


from sympy import sin, symbols, diff
x = symbols('x')
f = sin(x**2)
The derivative is $\eval{f.diff(x)}$.

-> texsurgery input.tex ->

The derivative is $\displaystyle 2 x \cos{\left(x^{2} \right)}$.

Longer example

Start with this LaTeX code:

% Any jupyter kernel is available

% Compatible with any other LaTeX package

% Example of user macros

% TexSurgery can replace some \commands before pdflatex runs
Student: {\bf \name \;  \surname},  \quad ID:  {\bf \id}

\qvariant{1} \qtags{derivative}
% TexSurgery will run code in a jupyter kernel
a = randint(2,10)
f = sin(a*x)
fd = f.derivative(x)
% TexSurgery will eval code in a jupyter kernel
% and replace \eval{expr} with the output from the kernel
% \sage{expr} is just an alias for \eval{latex(expr)}
What is the first derivative of $\sage{f}$?
  \wrongchoice{$\sage{fd + a}$}
# TexSurgery will run code in the jupyter kernel
# and replace this environment with the full output

and run this python code:

from texsurgery.texsurgery import TexSurgery
student_vars = dict(name='Fulano', surname='de Tal', seed='1', id='314159')
ts = TexSurgery(tex_source).data_surgery(student_vars).code_surgery()

in order to transform it into this:

% Any jupyter kernel is available

% Compatible with any other LaTeX package

% Example of user macros

Student: {\bf Fulano \;  de Tal},  \quad ID:  {\bf 314159}

\qvariant{1} \qtags{derivative}
What is the first derivative of $\sin\left(7 \, x\right)$?
  \correctchoice{$7 \, \cos\left(7 \, x\right)$}
  \wrongchoice{$49 \, \cos\left(7 \, x\right)$}
  \wrongchoice{$7 \, \cos\left(7 \, x\right) + 7$}
# TexSurgery will run code in the jupyter kernel
# and replace this environment with the full output


To all our colleagues that gave feedback to the early versions, specially Fabricio from ETSIN.UPM and Carlos from ETSIAAB.UPM
